Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Week 2 of SSP Flora Saving Campaign

here goes;

Monday: SSP Explorace (afternoon session)
it's more fun to watch the younger students run around the school. it was a success too, since lots of teams participated.

Tuesday: Green Songs Listening Session
a few students created a song about the environment, so today is the time they perform it to us. Emillio is the one who was in charged of this particular event.

Tuesday: Tree Planting Session
we gathered the participating students at our school's garden. they planted the trees, and learned the right way to take care of it. hopeful the treed doesn't die.

Wednesday: Recording Session for Green Songs
the teams recorded their songs, and the judging session for the songs will be done later.

Thursday: Field trip to SSP
40 students joined this trip to the SSP, including some of the SMKS9 photography club. it was a blast! we learnt so many things and had so much fun too, especially the time when everyone get to have fun swimming in the river. yay!

again, photos cannot be uploaded.

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